The purpose of this report is to describe a useful test for the assessment of varicose veins. The origin of this maneuver, which is called "the retrograde leg-milking test," is unknown. I first saw it used by Dr. James A. Buckley, of Portland, Ore., who stated that he had learned it from someone else. A search of the medical literature has failed to uncover descriptions of a similar test. Numerous discussions with surgeons have also failed to reveal any familiarity with such a test. It is likely, however, that it has been previously described and forgotten, as happens not infrequently in medicine, as in other fields of human endeavor. Technique The patient stands on a low platform or chair. The lower extremities are exposed to the groin. The examiner, facing the patient, observes and palpates both saphenous systems and all varicosities, as well as the skin changes in the legs.