Condom breakage and slippage during heterosexual intercourse: a French national survey. French National Survey on Sexual Behavior Group (ACSF).

OBJECTIVES: This study examined condom failure rates in a representative sample of French men and women. METHODS: Condom users who experienced breakage or slippage were compared with those who reported no difficulties. RESULTS: The rate of breakage at last heterosexual intercourse was 3.4%, and the slippage rate was 1.1%. Significantly associated with breakage and slippage were being age 25 through 34, being sexually active for more than 5 years, condom use for less than 5 years, condom not used for contraception, and sexual intercourse 12 or more times per month. CONCLUSIONS: People who became sexually active before the era of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, who began condom use in recent years, and who have frequent sex are at increased risk. The low risk observed among experienced condom users below age 25 supports condom promotion to youth.