Satisfactory Bodian silver staining of paraffin wax sections of both locust (Schistocerca gregaria) and cockroach (Periplaneta americana) central nerve tissue can be obtained with only one impregnation, instead of the usual two, by the following modified procedure. Freshly dissected ganglia are fixed in an improved synthetic alcoholic Bouin (40% formaldehyde 0-15:ethanol 25:acetic acid 5: picric acid 0.5:either ethyl acetate 5 and diethoxymethane 15, or ethyl acetate 25:distilled water to 100). Formaldehyde content governs intensity of glial staining (little or none without formaldehyde) and the mixture with more ethyl acetate substituted for diethoxymethane gives more intense staining overall. Sections are impregnated once only, overnight, in 2% Protargol solution brought to about pH 8.4 with ammonium hydroxide and containing 1.3 g of copper per 65 ml. Depending on fixative composition, species, section thickness and contrast desired between nerve fibers and background, the subsequent distilled water rinse is shortened or omitted and sections are developed in 1% hydroquinone with sodium sulfite content reduced (to 2.5-4% Na2SO3·7H2O) for thinner (10 μm) sections but normal (10%) for thicker (20 μm) ones. Sections are finally washed, gold intensified, treated with sodium thiosulfate and dehydrated, cleared and mounted as usual. Results are slightly lighter than with normal double impregnation but entirely suitable for studies of neuroanatomy.