Effectiveness of the BBC's 999 training roadshows on cardiopulmonary resuscitation: video performance of cohort of unforewarned participants at home six months afterwards

Objective: To examine the competence of a cohort trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation by the BBC's 999 training roadshows. Design: Descriptive cohort study applying an innovative testing procedure to a nationwide systematic sample. The test sample received an unsolicited home visit and without warning were required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin while being videoed. The videos were then analysed for effectiveness and safety using the new test. Setting: Nine cities and surrounding areas in the United Kingdom. Subjects: 280 people aged between 11 and 72. Results: Thirty three (12%) trainees were able to perform effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but of these 14 (5%) performed one or more elements in a way that was deemed to be potentially injurious. Thus only 19 (7%) trainees were able at six months to provide safe cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In addition, large numbers of subjects failed to shout for help, effectively assess the status of the patient, or alert an ambulance. Significantly better performances were recorded by those under 45 years old (31 (14%) v 2 (4%) gave effective performances respectively, PConclusion: Television is an effective means of generating large training cohorts. Volunteers will cooperate with unsolicited testing in their home, such testing being a realistic simulation of the stress and lack of forewarning that would surround a real event. Under such conditions the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation was disappointing. However, retraining greatly improves performance. Training for the lay public in cardiopulmonary resuscitation has increased with such initiatives as BBC television's 999 national roadshows, but the effectiveness of this training has not been rigorously evaluated In this study 280 people who had attended a roadshow were tested, unforewarned, six months later in their home, their management of a simulated case of cardiac arrest being videotaped for later analysis Only 12% of subjects performed cardiopulmo- nary resuscitation effectively As well as performing cardiopulmonary resusci- tation ineffectively, 39% of subjects performed one or more procedures in a way that could complicate the recovery of a casualty Although the 999 roadshows undoubtedly recruit many lay people, attention should now be given to retraining strategies