Nota. Cinética de pardeamiento no enzimático de zumo de pera concentrado Note./ Non-enzymatic browning kinetics of concentrated pear juice

Non-enzymatic browning kinetics of concentrated juice for three pear varieties (Alexandrine Douillard, Flor de Invierno and Blanquilla) was evaluated at three temperatures (90, 80 and 70 °C) and different soluble solid contents (52, 62 and 72 °Brix). The evolution of absorbance at 420 nm is described by zero order kinetics, but the formation of 5-hydroxymethyl-2 furfuraldehyde (HMF) and the reduction in formol index followed first order kinetics. The Alexandrine Douillard juices showed non-enzymatic browning which was less pronounced than in Flor de Invierno and Blanquilla juices.

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