Epithelial Nevus with Marked Pruritus. Presented by Dr. Stanton B. May. This 11-year-old white youth was seen for an itching of the abdominal and right inguinal areas that followed a "diaper rash" in infancy. Pruritus is marked and clears with treatment, but recurs. No eruption elsewhere. The condition has never cleared. Physical Examination.— On the right of the abdomen, especially along the midline and extending into the right inguinal area, is a linear, erythematous, flat, papular, discrete, and confluent eruption. On the lateral aspect of the right abdomen are similar, but discrete scaling, papules. Marked symptomatic improvement followed use of 0.5% hydrocortisone ointment. Time did not allow for a biopsy to be done. Discussion Dr. Murray C. Zimmerman: When I took the Boards, Doctor Michelson gave me one of these linear nevi to discuss, and asked me what caused it. I discussed dermadromes, lines of fragility, segmentation, and things like