Identification and characterization of the Egr-1 gene product, a DNA-binding zinc finger protein induced by differentiation and growth signals.

Egr-1 is an immediate-early response gene induced by diverse signals that initiate growth and differentiation. Its cDNA sequence predicts a protein with zinc fingers. We have generated an antiserum to the Egr-1 gene product and identified it as an 80-kilodalton short-lived protein in serum-stimulated mouse fibroblasts. The rat Egr-1 product has also been identified in nerve growth factor-induced PC12 cells. In addition, we show by cell fractionation and immunocytochemistry that the Egr-1 protein is located in the nucleus. We also demonstrate that it is phosphorylated. In vitro-generated Egr-1 protein binds with high affinity to the sequence CGCCCCCGC in a zinc-dependent manner.