Rate Dependence in a Solarizing Commercial X-Ray Emulsion: Sensitometric Properties, Number, and Structure of Developed Grains*

A comparison was made of optical density, mass of developed silver, number, projected area, and structure of the grains of a solarizing radiographic bromo-iodide emulsion exposed to Co60 gamma radiation at two different intensities, and developed in a surface developer. In contrast to the optical density and the mass of silver developed for a given exposure, which show only little dependence on intensity, before solarization sets in, the dependence of the number of developed grains on intensity of exposure is quite marked. Another anomaly is observed in the re-reversal region for exposure to high-intensity radiation. There, mass of silver does not vary with exposure in the same direction as optical density.Associated with the changes in photometric behavior are marked changes in grain structure, while the changes in the projected area of developed silver are small. The photometric properties cannot be correlated uniquely with grain structure over the entire exposure range.