Bone marrow transplantation for Maroteaux–Lamy syndrome (MPS VI): Long‐term follow‐up

We describe the results of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) in four patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI, McKusick 253200) – Maroteaux–Lamy disease. The indications for transplantation were cardiomyopathy in three patients and severe obstructive sleep apnoea in one. The follow-up period ranges between 1 and 9 years, and three of the patients are at mainstream schools. In all of the patients the facial features have become less coarse and the cardiac manifestations have improved or remained stable. However, skeletal changes have persisted or even progressed, although posture and joint mobility have improved and all the patients have remained ambulatory and active. BMT appears to prolong survival and improve the quality of life in MPS VI patients, but careful selection of patients is essential.