−455G/A Polymorphism of the β-Fibrinogen Gene is Associated With the Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Symptomatic Men

—Increased plasma fibrinogen levels have been identified as a risk indicator for myocardial infarction, stroke, and thrombosis. Both environmental and genetic factors make an important contribution to plasma fibrinogen levels in humans. In the present study we evaluated, in patients with serum cholesterol levels between 4 and 8 mmol/L, the relation of plasma levels and polymorphisms of fibrinogen with coronary artery disease (CAD), cross-sectionally at baseline and after a 2-year follow-up period in which they received either a placebo or pravastatin. Higher plasma fibrinogen levels (3.9 g/L) were observed at baseline in patients with the −455AA genotype than in patients with the −455GA (3.2 g/L) and −455GG (3.1 g/L) genotypes of the −455G/A fibrinogen β gene polymorphism (P<.05). Plasma levels of fibrinogen were not related to the baseline angiographic variables (mean segment diameter [MSD] and minimum obstruction diameter [MOD]), nor to the quantitative changes in these angiographic variables. H...

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