Intestinal Nematodes in Well-Cared-for Dogs

Summary Examination of 170 fresh dog stools collected from near the sidewalks of approximately 100 residential blocks, searched but once, in an exclusive neighborhood of New Orleans revealed Toxocara eggs in approximately 8%, hookworm in 52% and Trichuris in 16%. The area distribution of the positive stools was more or less equal and continuous. Stools from dogs admitted to veterinary hospitals for relatively expensive services contained Toxocara in 6.5% (15% of immature, 3% of mature dogs), hookworm in 46% and Trichuris in 19%. These percentages are not markedly different from those found in an earlier survey of abandoned dogs from the same area. It is apparent that even in well-ordered neighborhoods there is ready transmission of intestinal parasite infections among dogs, and under the observed circumstances the possibility of indirect transmission of these infections to children would appear to be considerable.