Heat capacity ofV3Xcompounds and the relationship betweenTcand anharmonicity

The heat capacities of V3Si, V3Ga, V3Sn, and V3 Sn0.5 Ga0.5 were measured between 2 and 400°K. The high-Tc compounds V3Ga and V3Si have smaller high-temperature heat capacities than the two lower-Tc materials. Given the magnitudes of the measured low-temperature heat capacities, this observation can only result from unusually large anharmonicity of the higher-Tc compounds. A phenomenological model is proposed that semiquantitatively relates the electron-phonon mass enhancement, and hence Tc, to the high-temperature anharmonic heat capacity observed in these materials. The model assumes a temperature-dependent screening caused by sharp structure in the electronic density of states, which renormalizes the bare phonon-mode frequencies.