Compact reversed shear tokamak reactor with a superheated steam cycle

The compact reversed shear tokamak CREST is a cost competitive reactor concept based on a reversed shear high β plasma and water cooled ferritic steel components. The moderate aspect ratio A = 3.4 and the elongation κ = 2.0 of CREST are very similar to the case of the ITER advanced mode plasma. Presentation of such a concept based on the ITER project should be worth while for formulating a fusion development strategy. The achievement of a competitive cost of electricity (COE) is the first priority for electric power industries. High β and high thermal efficiency are the most effective parameters for achieving a competitive COE. In order to achieve a high efficiency power plant, a superheated steam cycle has been adopted which permits a high thermal efficiency (η = 41%). Current profile control and high speed plasma rotation by neutral beam current drive stabilize the ideal MHD activity up to the Troyon coefficient βN = 5.5. A cost assessment has shown that CREST could generate about 1.16 GW(e) electric power at a competitive cost.