The Spectrum of Strontium Hydride

With a metallic strontium arc in a hydrogen atmosphere as a source, high dispersion spectrograms of three groups of bands in the near infrared with main heads at 7020A, 7347A and 7508A have been obtained. Analysis shows that the latter two groups of bands constitute a Π2Σ2 system with only the (0, 0) and (1, 1) vibrational transitions, while the first group represents a transition from a higher Σ2 to the same normal Σ2 state. Quantum analyses of the (0, 0) bands give for the normal Σ2 state B0=3.6198 and D0=1.287×104, r0=2.16×108 cm. For the Π2 state, A=299, B0,12=3.6683, D0,12=1.33×104, B0,+12=3.6787 and D0,+12=1.13×104. The rotational energy constants for the upper Σ2 state are B0=3.8318 and D0=1.641×104. The spin doubling constant γ0 in the normal state is +0.122, in the upper Σ2 state it is -3.81, while from the Λ-type doubling in the Π2 state p0=3.92 and q0=0.398. The doubling in the Σ2, Σ2 band is much the largest yet found in bands of this type. From the near equality of the p0 of the Π2 and the γ0 of the upper Σ2 and their close agreement with calculated values, it is to be concluded that these two states stand to each other in the relation of "pure precession", as is the case for the corresponding states of CaH. The probable electron configurations are then 5pπ and 5pσ for the Π2 and upper Σ2 states and 4dσ for the normal state.