Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) binding capacity, the concentrations of testosterone (T), of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), of oestradiol-17β (Oe2), of oestrone (Oe1), of prolactin (hPr) and the percentual specific binding of T to SHBG (% TB) were measured in plasma of patients suffering from prostatic carcinoma and of a control group of similar age. No significant differences in any of the investigated parameters were found between the control group and the carcinoma patients before treatment although 15 % of the latter showed distinctly elevated hPr values. Treatment of carcinoma patients with 1) Antiandrogen (cyproterone acetate, Androcur®) resulted in a significant decrease of T, Oe2 and SHBG. The DHT/T-ratio increased. n = 5. 2) Orchidectomy caused an even more pronounced fall in T, DHT, Oe1 and Oe2 blood levels. SHBG was not altered. DHT/T-ratio increased. n = 32. 3) Cyproterone acetate after orchidectomy led to elevated hPr values. n = 5. 4) Oestrogen (diethylstilboestrol-diphosphate, Honvan®) after orchidectomy increased SHBG and hPr. n = 6. 5) Corticosteroid (Prednisone, Decortin®) after orchidectomy decreased T and SHBG below the levels found after orchidectomy alone, n = 5. 6) Diureticum (Mefruside, Baycaron®) (n = 5) or 7) a placebo (n = 7) did not alter any of the parameters measured. 8) Treatment with HCG (Primogonyl®) of patients suffering from oligozoospermia resulted in a significant increase of T, DHT and Oe2. SHBG was not altered. DHT/T-ratio decreased, n = 7.