Empirical electron-phonon coupling constants and anisotropic electrical resistivity in hcp metals

The Fermi-surface density of states N(0) and Drude-plasma-frequency tensor (Ωp2 )αβ =4πe2N(0)〈vα vβ〉 are calculated for 14 metallic elements with hcp structures. By comparison with measured anisotropic resistivity components ρ and ρ?, electron-phonon coupling constants are extracted. The resulting values of λtr compare reasonably well with λ from Tc for the ten superconducting elements and provide new information on electron-phonon coupling for the four that are not. In particular, λtr for Mg is sufficiently low as to discourage a further search for superconductivity, whereas λtr for Sc and Y is sufficiently high (0.50.6) to require spin-fluctuation suppression of Tc and motivate a low-T search for exotic superconductivity. Co is found to have very weak electron-phonon coupling in the majority-spin band and much stronger specific-heat enhancement in the minority-spin band. The anisotropy ρzz/ρxx=ρ?/ρ is moderately well accounted for by the anisotropy of the Drude plasma frequency (Ωp2 )xx/(Ωp2 )zz =〈vx2〉/〈vz2〉, except for the sp elements, which have significant scattering anisotropy (λzz/λxx≠1). A systematic onset of ‘‘resistivity saturation’’ (signifying a breakdown of Boltzmann theory) is found when the mean free path l≤10 Å. The onset occurs at a variable value 40<ρ<160 μΩ cm.