The cohesive energy and zero-pressure density of the alkali metals have been calculated using the self-consistent augmented-plane-wave method and the statistical (Xα) exchange-correlation approximation. For the value of α which makes a single determinant of atomic spin orbitals satisfy the virial theorem, the lighter alkali metals are computed to have cohesive energies and zero-pressure densities which are too large (errors of 22 and 16% for Li) with respect to experiment. To test the sensitivity of these results to the choice of α, the same calculations have been performed with α set equal to 23. This choice of α produced more uniformly good results for all the alkali metals with the largest errors occurring for cesium (errors of 7 and 9%, respectively). It is suggested that these results may be a consequence of the large change in the valence electronic charge density that occurs when the lighter alkali-metal atoms come together to form the solid. It is not suggested, however, that α=23 be used in all energy-band calculations.