Lifetimes and Branching Ratios inTi48

The Doppler-shift attenuation method has been used to study levels in Ti48 up to 3.74-MeV excitation energy. Backscattered protons from the (p, pγ) reaction were detected in coincidence with deexcitation γ rays. A 32-cc Ge(Li) detector was used to measure γ-ray Doppler shifts, and to obtain branching ratios. Eleven levels in Ti48 were observed below 3.74 MeV. Transition rates in single-particle units are given for twelve transitions. The 0+ level at 3.000 MeV was observed to decay with a transition rate of (8±2)×1012 sec1, indicating a collective admixture for this state and suggesting that it is formed by the mixing of rotational and shell-model states.