Defective repair of radiation-induced chromosomal damage in scid/scid mice

The murine severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mutation interferes with normal recombination of iramunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes. This immunologic defect results in a lack of fully differentiated B and T cells in scid/scid mice. Animals homozygous for the scid mutation also display increased sensitivity to the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. We report here our observations of high frequencies of radiation-induced chromatid interchanges and intrachanges in bone marrow cells and fibroblasts from scid/scid mice. The presence of these aberrant chromosome structures suggests that a delay in strand rejoining underlies the increased sensitivity of scid/scid mice to ionizing radiation. The scid mutation may provide important clues for understanding the relationship between mitotic recombination and DNA repair in higher eukaryotic cells.