Bat activity over calm and turbulent water

A comparison of the activity of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) over calm pools and fast-flowing riffles was performed in southwestern Alberta. Bat activity was assessed by monitoring echolocation calls using ultrasonic detectors. Activity was higher over pools than riffles. This could be due to differences in prey abundance or accessibility in the two habitats. Alternatively, water noise at turbulent sites may interfere with the bats' echolocation abilities. Sticky traps were used to assess prey abundance, and water noise was recorded for intensity–frequency analysis. Insect abundance at the height where the bats flew (< 1 m above the water) did not differ between sites, but insects close to or at water level at calm pools may be more accessible than at fast-flowing riffles. Further, water noise at riffles may decrease the efficiency with which bats detect targets.