Cortical projections to nuclei adjacent to oculomotor complex in the medial dien‐mesencephalic tegmentum in the monkey

Cortical projections to cell groups surrounding the oculomotor complex were studied by using the retrograde and anterograde capabilities of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique in old and new world monkeys. Fluid HRP injections or transcannular solid polyacrylamide HRP gel implants were made into the oculomotor nucleus (OMN) and adjacent nuclei to label retrogradely corticofugal neurons that project to this region, and cortical HRP gel implants were made in various areas of the frontal lobe to label anterogradely the trajectories and terminations of cortico‐paraoculomotor projections and thus to confirm the retrograde findings. Projections to the paraoculomotor cell groups in the medial dien‐mesencephalic tegmentum originate almost exclusively from the frontal lobe. Both retrograde and anterograde studies confirmed that the prearcuate cortex in the concavity of the arcuate sulcus, including the frontal eye field, and, to a lesser extent, suprarcuate rostral dorsal area 6 cortex and the dorsomedial convexity (area 9), project to the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) in the dorsal region of the prerubral field, nucleus of Darkschewitsch (ND), medial accessory nucleus of Bechterew (NB) and dorsomedial parvocellular red nucleus (dmPRN). The premotor area 6 and motor area 4 cortex, on the other hand, give rise to projections that target a larger portion of the parvocellular red nucleus, extending rostrally into the ventral region of the prerubral field, and a rather intense projection to the ND. The interstitial nucleus of Cajal (IC) was distinguished more by its light, or lack of, projections from the frontal cortex. The inferior parietal lobule (IPL, area 7) which has certain common physiological properties with the frontal eye field (FEF area 8) related to the oculomotor system, lacked retrogradely labeled neurons in all cases where transcannular gel implants into the OMN eliminated the possibility of HRP uptake in the corpus callosum or other structures traversed in needle injections, suggesting that the IPL affects eye movement primarily through its rostrally directed corticocortical associational connections with the FEF. In additional cases, the NDNB‐dmPRN configuration of cells that receives FEF input is shown to project to the inferior olivary complex (i.e., is pre‐olivo‐cerebellar), whereas riMLF and IC give rise to descending projections in the MLF, which target extraocular muscle motor nuclei, vestibular complex, and spinal cord. The results are discussed in terms of the potential role of the cerebral cortex in eye movement mechanisms.

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