Pancreatic resection for carcinoma of the pancreas and the periampullary region in patients over 70 years of age

This study was undertaken to elucidate whether or not resection for cancer of the pancreas and the periampullary region can be performed with an acceptable survival rate in patients over 70 years of age (n = 21) as compared with patients under 70 years of age (n = 47), and whether resection provides an improvement in their prognosis and longevity. The operative mortality for patients over 70 years of age and under 70 years was 10 and 9 per cent respectively and the cumulative 5 year survival 12±11 and 20±9 percent respectively. The median survival was 11 months in both groups. It was concluded that an age of 70 years or more is not an absolute contra-indication for pancreatic resection. Prognosis is related to tumour histology.