Ground-water quality in North Idaho

From July 1977 to May 1978, water samples were collected from 116 wells north of the Palouse River in Idaho to define water-quality conditions, on a reconnaissance level, in major aquifers. Geologic and hydrologic data were combined with water-quality data to develop an understanding of factors affecting present and future groundwater quality. Samples were analyzed for 16 major chemical constituents, selected metallic trace elements, pH, specific conductance, water temperature, and total- and fecal-coliform bacteria. Locally, concentrations of dissolved solids, nitrite plus nitrate, iron, and cadmium exceeded mandatory or recommended limits established for public water supplies. Hardness exceeding 300 milligrams per liter may restrict groundwater use esthetically or economically. Groundwater quality is adequate and quantity is sufficient to meet population and economic demands as of 1978. (USGS)...