Improved quality of human embryos when co-cultured with human ampullary cells

Cultured human, ampullary, epithelial cells obtained from fertile women undergoing hysterectomy were evaluated for the support of human embryonic cleavage and growth in vitro. Twelve patients provided 23 embryos for co-culture with sub-cultured ampullary cells grown in T6 + 15% patient‘s serum and 18 embryos for growth in T6 + 15% patient’s serum alone (controls). Of embryos co-cultured with ampullary cells, 78% cleaved to the compacted embryo stage and 69% cavitated as compared with 50 and 33% respectively for controls (P < 0.01). Only 30% of co-cultured embryos reached the expanded blastocyst and 26% underwent hatching as compared with 28% for both stages in controls. At the 2–4-and 6–8-cell stages, 91 and 87% of co-cultured embryos showed an absence or slight fragmentation as compared with 72 and 61% respectively for embryos grown in medium alone (P < 0.01). None of the co-cultured embryos showed unequal-sized blastomeres while 22% of controls showed unequal cleavage. Embryos grown with ampullary cells cleaved slightly faster than controls. Scanning electron micrographs showed that ampullary cells collected from co-cultures were all of the secretory type with several microvilli and apical protrusions. It is clear that subcultured human ampullary cells support human embryonic cleavage and yield a reasonable number of good quality embryos up to the cavitation stage. Development past the expanded blastocyst and hatching stages seems to involve another critical phase with its own specific requirements.