Relationships among Viruses in the Tombusvirus Group: Nucleic Acid Hybridization Studies

RNA of definitive tombusviruses are .apprx. 4700 nucleotides in length; those of tentative members of the tombusivirus group, turnip crinkle virus (TCV) and glycine mottle virus (GMeV) are .apprx. 3900 nucleotides and those of saguaro cactus virus (SCV) and galinsoga mosaic virus (GMV) are .apprx. 3500 nucleotides. Hybridization with complementary DNA (cDNA) showed that there is some homology between the nucleic acids of different definitive tombusviruses. Analysis of the melting behavior of heterologous cDNA:RNA hybrids suggests that different parts of the genome may be involved in hybrids between different combinations of tombusviruses. There is no homology between the nucleic acids of definitive tombusviruses and those of GMV, GMeV, SCV or TCV.