SUMMARY Higher marine fungi, predominantly from mangrove habitats, were examined. More than half of the species occurred on pneumatophores or roots of Avicennia or on seedlings or proproots of Rhizophora. The others were found on pilings, driftwood, or their spores were found in foam on the seashore. Collections were mainly made in Liberia and Mexico; others came from Fiji, Florida, India, Mozambique, Pago Pago, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and the Virgin Islands. All species are reported for the first time from these localities and represent 13 Ascomycetes (belonging to the genera Corollospora, Didymosphaeria, Haligena, Halosphaeria, Keissleriella, Leptosphaeria, Lulworthia, Mycosphaerella, Paraliomyces, Remispora, Torpedospora) and 7 Deuteromycetes (Cirrenalia, Clavariopsis, Culcitalna, Humicola, “Phoma”). A new combination Remispora salina is proposed and two new species of Cirrenalia are described.

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