The distribution of intrarenal nervous tissue in a number of species has been examined using a cholinesterase technique. Particular attention has been paid to the relationships between the renal vessels and their nerves. Nerves were detected alongside the major intrinsic renal vessels and formed nerve networks on the external aspects of the arterial tunicae mediae. In all specimens, afferent arterioles were accompanied by nerves the majority of which terminated near the entrance of cortical afferent arterioles into their respective glomeruli; nerves along juxtamedullary afferent arterioles continued across glomerular hila. Relatively few nerves were demonstrated near cortical efferent arterioles while juxtamedullary efferent vessels possessed a rich innervation. Intramural smooth muscle was identified in juxtamedullary efferent arterioles, aglomerular vessels and arteriolae rectae and these vascular segments were accompanied by nervous tissue. Cholinesterase positive nerves could not be detected in the renal medulla.