Rare Primary Somatic Tumors of the Pancreas

Most primary pancreatic neoplasms, both malignant and benign, are epithelial in nature. Somatic, or nonepithelial, growths from indigenous structures in the pancreas do occur but are extremely rare. The purpose of this article is to report two unusual and rare somatic tumors of the pancreas, both of which were successfully removed. One was a lymphangioma and the other a malignant neurilemoma. Report of Cases Case 1. —Primary lymphangioma of the pancreas A 65-year-old white woman was first seen in June, 1957, with complaints of pain and discomfort in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. These symptoms were of six months' duration. She was first seen by a private physician, who informed her that she had an enlarged spleen. Another physician, seen in consultation at that time, could not confirm the diagnosis of splenomegaly. She was not given any medication and was told not to worry about it. The