The formulae of the unsaturated side-chains of hemin and the porphyrins from hemin are discussed. Further experiments are described for the electric and catalytic reduction of some porphyrins. The electric reduction of the hematerinic acid (Haema-terinsaure, C34H32O4N4) is carried on in concentrated acetic acid with 2.5% H2SO4 and a gilded cathode. The anode (platinum-plate) is separated from the cathode by a diaphragm. Mesoporphyrin (C34H38O4N4) is obtained. Likewise hematoporphyrin (C34H36O6NO and hemoporphyrin (CstHaeOiN^) are reduced. Fromhemo-porphyrin also mesoporphyrin is obtained. Catalytic reduction of hematerinic acid is secured in acetic acid with palladium solution (Skita). Here also mesoporphyrin is obtained and likewise hemato- and hemoporphyrin are reduced. Possible formulae of the unsaturated side-chains of these porphyrins are shown.