Whole-Blood Cholinesterase Determinations in Some Hematologic Dyscrasias; Low Cholinesterase Values in the Leucoses

In 13 of 14 cases of malignant leucoblastosis, the cholinesterase was lowered to a degree proportional to the acuity and clinical severity. The exceptional case was that of stationary chronic lymphatic leukemia. In the non-leucotic series the cholinesterase values, with 4 exceptions, were normal. The values were low in macrocytic anemias and high in 1 case of polycythemia. By massive infusion of human plasma, cholinesterase was raised to normal in the blood of a patient with subacute myelogenous leukemia. The red and white counts were stationary in this period and rose only when plasma had been discontinued and the cholinesterase again began to fall.