Investigations of Angiosperms from the Eocene of North America: A New Genus of Theaceae Based on Fruit and Seed Remains

A new genus of Theaceae, ANDREWSIOCARPON, from the Middle Eocene of southeastern North America, is described based on fruit and seed remains. Andrewsiocarpon is a loculicidally dehiscent five-valved capsule with persistent imbricate sepals, a large central columella, and five two-seeded locules. Detailed morphological and anatomical analyses of the fossil genus and comparison with fruits and seeds of many extant genera provide evidence that allows placement into the subfamily Camellioideae of the Theaceae but not within any modern genus. Andrewsiocarpon shares characters with several modern genera in this subfamily, but appears most similar to Franklinia. A review of the fossil Theaceae record indicates that the subfamilies Camellioideae and Ternstroemioideae were well established by the Eocene.