ODMR in the photo-excited3Bu1ustate of F22+centres in MgO. II. Magnetic field effects and optical selection rules

For pt.I see Glasbeek et al., 1981. The orientation dependence of the optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) spectrum of the 441 nm luminescence band in additively coloured magnesium oxide is reported for magnetic field rotations in the (100) and (110) planes. The anisotropy and splittings of the ODMR spectrum confirm that emission is due to transitions from the 3B1u excited state into the 1Ag ground state of the F22+ centre. Analysis of the rate equations and selections rules for ODMR shows that non-radiative de-excitation of the 3B1u state must be taken account of in the interpretation of the orientation dependence of the ODMR intensities. Magnetic circular polarisation of the 441 nm luminescence band measured as a function of the applied magnetic field shows a strong resonance at the level crossing between the mod 0) and mod +1) levels.