Both eyes of anesthetized vervet monkeys were perfused with mock aqueous humor for 3–7 hours. By adjusting the height of a reservoir connected to the anterior chamber of each eye the intraocular pressure in one eye was maintained at 33–44 mmHg and in the other eye it was a few mmHg above the spontaneous level (12–15 mmHg). Morphologically the control eyes appeared normal, whereas pronounced changes were observed in the high pressure eyes. Thus the corneal endothelium showed an uneven surface towards the anterior chamber with vacuolization, blebbing and disruption of the cytoplasm. Pycnosis, excaryocytosis and even loss of whole endothelial cells were observed as well. The morphological changes were most pronounced in the peripheral part of the cornea and furthermore differed among neighbouring cells. During the healing process one could observe mitosis, amitosis and cell surface increase.