This note overviews several studies that have been conducted on the economic impact of onchocerciasis (river blindness) control through the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC). A cost-benefit analysis of the APOC concludes that the programme is highly cost-effective. The economic rate of return (ERR) is 17% if benefits are considered in accordance with the stated objective of the programme (i.e. the achievement of long-term, sustainable, ivermectin-delivery systems). However, the cost-benefit analysis significantly under-estimates the net benefits from the APOC, since it considers, for ease of quantification, only the reduction in blindness as the principal benefit accruing from control activities. Recent studies, summarized here, have shown that there may be substantial benefits (in terms of enhanced productivity, increased household-level welfare, and reduced health-related expenditure, for instance) resulting from the reduction of the skin-related symptoms associated with the disease.