Effects of l-Epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine on the Splanchnic Bed of Intact Dogs

The changes in splanchnic blood flow and related metabolic functions which occurred as the result of the infusion of 0.1 µg/kg/min. of l-epinephrine and l-norepinephrine for 10 minutes were measured in anesthetized dogs. l-Epinephrine elicited a marked increase in estimated splanchnic blood flow and no change in mean arterial pressure. While a significantly increased mean arterial blood pressure was observed following the administration of l-norepinephrine, no change in estimated splanchnic blood flow occurred. Arterial oxygen content was increased significantly with both drugs. Utilization of oxygen by the splanchnic bed was not changed during the infusion of either drug but was increased during the postepinephrine infusion period.