Anisotropy and magnetic field dependence of the planar copper NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate in YBa2Cu4O8

We have measured the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the Cu63 nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate W and its anisotropy r at plain Cu(2) sites in normal and superconducting YBa2 Cu4 O8. Below Tc we observed that an applied magnetic field Bc enhances W=Wc, whereas Bc suppresses W=Wab. Such a behavior seems to rule out the spin diffusion to the fluxoid cores and the fluxoid motion as being responsible for the effect. It indicates more an unexpected field-related breaking of the spin-rotation invariance in the superconducting state. The anisotropy r defined as the ratio Wab/Wc is almost field and temperature independent in the normal state but develops a nonmonotonic temperature dependence below Tc with a flat minimum at 45 K in B=5.17 T and a much more pronounced minimum at 55 K in B=0.58 T. A qualitatively similar behavior of r has been reported previously for YBa2 Cu3 O7. Comparing r in both compounds, we note one essential difference at low B. Namely, the slope dr/dT just below Tc is large for YBa2 Cu3 O7 but almost zero for YBa2 Cu4 O8.