1. The dimethyloxazolidinedione (DMO) technique was used to estimate intracellular pH (pHi) in bullfrog toe muscles incubated in vitro. The control value of pHi was 7·16 + ± 0·01 ( S.D.).2. pHi was affected by changes in PCO2 and external bicarbonate ion concentration ([HCO3]0). At a given PCO2, decreasing the external [HCO3] was more effective in lowering pHi than increasing the external [HCO3] was in increasing pHi.3. On the assumption that the changes in pHi were due to hydrogen ion [H+) movements across the membrane, a H+ flux of 10−13 mole/cm2. sec was calculated. The corresponding H+ permeability coefficient was 10−3 cm/sec.4. The variability of the tissue CO2 buffer value was examined.