Computer analysis of human esophageal peristalsis and lower esophageal sphincter pressure

A computer program has been written to directly read and analyze esophageal manometric tracings on-line using low-cost off-the-shelf microcomputer hardware. The system consists of an Apple IIe microcomputer and an Interactive Microwave Inc. ADALAB Data Acquisition System with an AI13 fast A/D Multiplexer. The primary program is in BASIC with ASSEMBLY language subroutines for data collection. Data are collected through the voltage output of a Hewlett-Packard recorder at 30 points per second on four channels for lower esophageal sphincter pressures (LESP) and three channels for peristaltic waves. Computer-determined values for LESP and wave parameters showed excellent correlation with mean values as read by five individuals experienced in esophageal manometry.