Prospective study of primary anastomosis without colonic lavage for patients with an obstructed left colon

Background: Traditionally, left-sided colon obstruction is managed by a multistaged defunctioning colostomy and resection. However, there is growing acceptance of one-stage primary resection and anastomosis with on-table antegrade irrigation. This paper presents a series of patients managed prospectively by primary anastomosis without intraoperative colonic lavage. Methods: Emergency resection of acutely obstructed left-sided colonic carcinomas was performed. This was followed by primary anastomosis without on-table lavage after bowel decompression using a new technique. Results: Fifty-eight consecutive, unselected patients underwent bowel decompression, resection and primary colocolic anastomosis. Only one patient developed a leak at the anastomotic site, requiring pelvic abscess drainage and transverse loop colostomy. One death occurred 12 h following surgery. Autopsy confirmed that this was due to myocardial infarction. Mean hospital stay was 9·8 days. Conclusion: Emergency surgery on the obstructed left colon can be carried out safely after decompression alone, without intraoperative colonic lavage.