Value of Computed Tomography in the Detection and Staging of Recurrent Rectal Carcinomas

We studied a series of 39 patients who underwent computed tomog-raphy (CT) of the pelvis and abdomen following surgery for adenocarcinoma of the rectum. Based on the CT findings. recurrent rectal carcinoma was classi-fied into one of four stages: Stage I, intraluminal mass without colon wall thickening; Stage II. colon wall thickening (greater than 1 cm) without invasion of adjacent structures; Stage IIIA. thickening of the colon wall with direct invasion of adjacent organs but not the pelvic sidewalls; Stage IIIB, extension of mass to pelvic sidewalls; and Stage IV, distant metastatic disease. All 30 patients with recurrent rectal carcinoma had positive CT scans. Overall accuracy was 95% with 0% false negative and 5% false positive interpretations. Results indicate that CT is an accurate method of detecting and staging recurrent rectal carcinoma and for aiding the selection of appropriate therapy.