Different patterns of expression of ornithine decarboxylase mRNAs in rat liver after acute administration of hepatocarcinogens

In the present study, we have evaluated the induction of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in rat liver after acute in vivo administration of different hepatocarcinogens, and correlated the ODC activity peaks with the accumulation of the three ODC-related mRNA species in rat liver at different times after the intraperitoneal injection of different hepatocarcinogens. ODC activity peaked 16 h after 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) treatment, while accumulation of the three ODC-mRNAs, starting 4 h after the injection, was maximal 6 h later. Thioacetamide (TAA) administration caused a single peak of ODC activity 20 h after treatment, while there had been the maximum increases of the three ODC–mRNAs4-h earlier. The first ODC activity peak occurred 20 h after treatment with 3'-methyl-4-(dimethylamino)azobenzene (MDAB), at the same time that accumulation of the ODC-mRNAs was maximum. There was no increase in ODC-mRNA accumulation at 28 h or36 h after MDAB treatment, the time at which ODC activity once again peaked. All the ODC-related transcripts accumulated after MDAB treatment, although to different degrees. The 1.7 kilobase (kb) transcript accumulated the most after 2-AAF treatment. After TAA treatment, the 2.2 kb mRNA was the most abundantly expressed. In neonatal liver, in which ODC activity isphysiologically high, the 1.7 kb mRNA is expressed more abundantly than the other two ODC-related transcripts. These results demonstrate that the peak of ODC enzyme activity does not always correspond in time with the peak of ODC-mRNA accumulation; that different hepatocarcinogens induce different patterns of accumulation of the ODC-related transcripts; and that the minor ODC-related transcript (1.7 kb) in rat liver seems to be expressed not only constitutively but is also inducible.