Aortography in Blunt Abdominal Trauma

CATHERIZATION of the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta was first described by Biermann in 1951.1 Since that time the value of selective arteriography in the detection of a variety of intra-abdominal diseases has been repeatedly emphasized.2-5 This technique was first applied in patients with abdominal trauma by Norell6 in 1957, thereby confirming the diagnosis of splenic rupture. Subsequent reports served to emphasize the value of this study in injuries of the kidney,7,8 spleen,3,9 and liver.10,11 Unfortunately, the precarious condition of many patients and the inconstant availability of special equipment and skilled personnel has limited the use of these studies to less urgent cases. Since selective arteriography involves catheterization of a single branch of the abdominal aorta, some knowledge of the presumed site of injury is necessary and its value as a screening technique is limited. In 1965, we undertook a study of aortography