Human neurophysin was isolated from acetone-dried human posterior pituitaries and separated into two major neurophysin peptides by ion exchange chromatography and into four major peptides by preparative disk gel electrophoresis. Antisera raised in rabbits distinguished only two specific antigenic sites on the isolated neurophysin peptides. Individual sensitive and specific radioimmunoassays for two human neurophysins were developed. These assays were used to measure each neurophysin in unextracted human plasma. The two neurophysins are secreted independently in man. One assay measures a neurphysin that is specifically secreted in response to estrogen administration, estrogen-stimulated neurophysin (ESN). The other assay measures a neurophysin that is specifically secreted in response to cigarette smoking, nicotine-stimulated neurophysin (NSN). The mean ESN is 1.1 ng/ml plus or minus 0.7 SD in women and 1.0 ng/ml plus or minus 0.7 SD in men. The mean NSN is 0.9 ng/ml plus or minus 0.2 SD in women and 0.6 ng/ml plus or minus 0.3 SD in men. It is proposed that these may prove to be a specific human "oxytocinneurophysin," ESN, and a human "vasopressin-neurophysin," NSN.