Statistical Dynamics of Classical Systems

The statistical dynamics of a classical random variable that satisfies a nonlinear equation of motion is recast in terms of closed self-consistent equations in which only the observable correlations at pairs of points and the exact response to infinitesimal disturbances appear. The self-consistent equations are developed by introducing a second field that does not commute with the random variable. Techniques used in the study of the interacting quantum fields can then be employed, and systematic approximations can be obtained. It is also possible to carry out a "charge normalization" eliminating the nonlinear coupling in favor of a dimensionless parameter which measures the deviation from Gaussian behavior. No assumptions of spatial or time homogeneity or of small deviation from equilibrium enter. It is shown that previously inferred renormalization schemes for homogeneous systems were incomplete or erroneous. The application of the method to classical microscopic systems, where it leads from first principles to a coupled-mode description is briefly indicated.

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