The Relation of Calcium and Phosphorus to Growth and Rachitic Leg Weakness in Chickens

Retarded growth and poor bone development resulted from feeding both a ration containing only 0·26 per cent. calcium and with a Ca:P ratio of 0·44:1 and from a ration in which 5 per cent, of maize meal had been replaced by 5 per cent, of ground limestone to give a calcium content of 3 per cent. and a Ca:P ratio of 4:1. The basal or No Limestone group confirms previous results indicating that ground limestone may have a depressing effect on growth. The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Mr G. H. Botham, B.Sc, A.L.S., who did the chemical analysis of the food and bones, Mr J. Lavelle, who made and interpreted the skiagrams, and Mr F. J. Dudley, who statistically analysed the results.