About 30 litters of Long and Evans rats were used, each litter separated from the mother on the 22nd day and 1 rat placed on each diet. All rats received as much food and water as they desired, also 3 drops of codliver oil and \ tea-spoonful of equal parts of yeast and wheat germ daily. After about 18-22 days on the special diets, the rats being 6 wks. old, the glycogen contents of liver and muscle were determined. Feeding 60% of the total calories in the form of cornstarch gave a liver glycogen which did not differ significantly from that on the balanced diet. With 60% of the caloric value in the form of either sucrose or lard, a significantly higher liver glycogen was found, while 60% of casein gave a significant decrease. The muscle glycogen content on any one of the test diets did not differ significantly from that on the balanced diet.

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