The purpose of this study was to investigate the sexual behaviors of college students and assess the extent to which they were engaging in behaviors that have a risk for contracting AIDS. A total of 132 single sexually active students and 58 married students responded to a survey on their sexual behaviors and attitudes. Risk behaviors such as engaging in unprotected sex, having multiple sex partners, practicing anal sex, alcohol use, and infidelity and deceptive communication with partner were examined. Compared with earlier surveys on the same population, there was an increase in concern about contracting AIDS and a significant increase in the percentage of students who took the AIDS antibody test. Although none indicated they would lie to partners about a seropositive AIDS test, a few would not tell their partner unless specifically asked. A small percentage of subjects would have extradyadic relations without informing their steady partners and a small number of respondents indicated they might continue to engage in sexual relations with a seropositive partner or a new partner who recently had a seronegative AIDS test. The risks most predominant in this sample were the practice of unprotected sex, having multiple sex partners, and the consumption of alcohol in conjunction with sexual activity. With the exception of unprotected intercourse, the majority of respondents were engaging in behaviors that pose a minimal risk for contracting AIDS.