Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on Growth and Development of Kok-saghyz

Flower primordia were present on plants of Taraxacum kok-saghyz collected from several localities in the central or northern parts of the U. S. during the late fall or winter months. Photoperiods of 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 hours did not inhibit the development of these primordia into mature flowers when the plants were transplanted in the greenhouses. Wide variability of leaf pattern was observed in the seedlings, but morph. characteristics of the flowers indicated that almost all were kok-saghyz plants. Seedling plants subjected to 6 different lengths of photoperiods varying from 8 to 18 hrs. flowered under all conditions, but more of them flowered with photoperiods of 12 hrs. or longer than with shorter photoperiods. Plants that received low temps. during their early development flowered more abundantly than those that received no low temp. 98% of one lot of seedlings that had received several weeks of cold weather during the spring flowered, while < 2% flowered in a similar lot that received no low temp. These expts. indicate cool temp. and long photoperiod as conditions most favorable for early blooming of seedlings.