Staphylococcal Disease—An Obstetric, Pediatric, and Community Problem

Epidemiological investigation of staphylococcal disease among discharges of Seattle hospitals by telephone - survey technique revealed that mothers acquired infection from infants and the infants acquired infection in hospitals. The median time interval from delivery to onset of mastitis was 13 days for infants and 14 days for mothers. Suppurative lesions of dischargees of one hospital yielded phage Type III 42B, 42E, 44A S. pyogenes var. aureus. At least 24 deaths definitely due to staphylococcal disease, largely infant pneumonia deaths. occurred during a 19-month period. The findings indicate a need for improved hospital epidemiology, intensive surveillance of hospital dischargees during the first few post-hospital weeks and community control of staphylococcal disease.