Entry and egress of varicella-zoster virus

The MPRs cycle in cells and follow an itinerary with stops in the trans-Golgi network (TGN), prelysosomes (late endosomes), and the plasma membrane. [3] Experimental observations have been consistent with the hypothesis that interaction of cell-free VZV with a plasmalemmal MPR plays a role in mediating viral entry into target cells. [4] Infection of human embryonic lung fibroblasts (HELF) by cell-free preparations of VZV is inhibited by Man 6-P and other phosphorylated monosaccharides with an order of potency that parallels their affinity for MPRs. [4] Treatment of cells with chloroquine, which prevents the MPRs from cycling to the cell surface, protects them from infection by VZV; moreover, cell-free VZV rapidly loses its …